Distributed Political Activism
Just came back from the Commonwealth Club, where words such as “agents for social change”, “absence of power”, “critical service […]
Just came back from the Commonwealth Club, where words such as “agents for social change”, “absence of power”, “critical service […]
只有在新世界壮丽的怀抱里 你的灵魂才能安息 (《波茜星咏叹调》1986)
What’s up? South.
又见白色的群山。 你坐在餐车车厢里,听一位越战护士谈沙门。火车驶过一九九零年科罗拉多的青山绿水,到丹佛时夜色已深,只记得是个大站。 初次来到机场是九七年的落矶山之行。两年以后又在这里租车,作为西南之旅的起点,(第一站:阿斯本)。 回望群山,那是开始的终结,还是终结的开始? 前天你们在纽约重见,一切依然。
“If nature were not beautiful, it would not be worth knowing. If nature were not worth knowing, life would not […]
Joi Ito has been blogging about “blog justice” in last two days.
Still Mitchel Resnick: “….move away from the notion of a single, absolute, unifying conception of knowledge, arguing instead that knowledge […]
From Resnick: “Relationships with people in the world are internalized as agents or objects within the mind. ……the self emerges […]
This is the image gallery of Self-Organized networks. And this is from Physics Department, University of Notre Dame.