Has Google gone too far?
To boldly go where only few men have gone before
To boldly go where only few men have gone before
Skype Journal said: Taiwan market: Skype subscriptions exceed the two million mark in July. Subscriptions for the PChome-Skype peer-to-peer (P2P) […]
Starting from reading Shrödinger’s book, a journey from Hefei to Santa Fe is just a beginning of the beginning. “The […]
Questions: How do human beings develop their highest mental abilities, the abilities to symbolize and to think? How did these […]
从XML 你想到尼君的清楚表述: 轻易混合和重复使用的位元 和 关于位元的位元
Remember John’s demo last year? Now it’s Google Earth.
Shirky wrote: Today I want to talk about categorization, and I want to convince you that a lot of what […]
From The MediaCenter: Opportunity abounds, faster than ever, to a greater panoply of users. A generation is coming that never […]
From WorldChanging: Dr. Gonzalez, noting the incredible utility of Wikipedia as an information resource in the hours and days after […]