“Even Jimmy Wales, who founded Wikipedia, is looking for ways to broaden — and profit from — the wiki concept. […]
在扭弯的链条 肢解后的单车残骸旁 锁车而去
农场散步 随意聊天 以一种记忆 抵抗其他所有记忆 语义的 程序的
Conrad Phillip Kottak explains hegemony in terms of ideologies that offer explanations about why the existing order is in everyone’s […]
Supernova captured in ‘real time.’ Naguib Mahfouz died at age 94.
Robert Cox, founder and president of the Media Bloggers Association: “Anytime I can get in front of people who work […]
“狱内人士有足够的耐心和时间把一个台灯,小钥匙扣做得十分精致,这很符合艺术是奴隶创造的原理。 只有无期徒刑的人在想一桩非常耗时的工程。那么,有期徒刑的人如果也想做这件事,就得设法延长刑期。“