About Humanness

Questions: How do human beings develop their highest mental abilities, the abilities to symbolize and to think? How did these […]

McLuhan’s Tetrad

Todd Kappelman wrote: The tetrad allowed McLuhan to apply four laws, framed as questions, to a wide spectrum of mankind’s […]

Beijing, Taipei and Chicago


From “The Success of Open Source”

“A great deal of human behavior is not motivated by narrow rationality concerns. The vast majority of human behavior is […]

Theories of the sign

Dyad Theory of the sign: signifier (material)/signified(mental) This needs to combine with other signs to take part in the flow […]


七十一年了 先生的心得 现在这里

Barthes’ words

为今晚做阅读准备,遭遇Barthes’ words: Truth always rests with the minority, and the minority is always stronger than the majority, because the minority […]

