Brother Antonio

After hearing a question about Gramsci and Three-Represents, you could not help but thinking of the word “Hegemony.” Here is […]


当他们用黏土压模 或者以木炭作画的时候, 清晰的“外部记忆” 正成为语言涌现的基砖 几千年过去了 Cuneiform, Hieroglyph, Pictogram, Alphabet……


《茶馆》之后 你打开书 思绪回到 有三条河流的城市


A while ago, Dee Hock wrote: Leader presumes follower. Follower presumes choice. One who is coerced to the purposes, objectives, […]

L’Homme dépaysé


Happenings in time

What is “history?” you asked. “Happenings In Time” she answered

What makes a signal reliable?

You remembered what Judith said: The simple answer is that a reliable signal is one that is beneficial to produce […]


海参崴 中央火车站 白夜 (北方的遐想 金星有异样的光辉)

Yosemite in time

Time was a “garden of forking paths” (Jorge Luis Borges) : out of every event emerges multiple paths or outcomes. […]