
萧邦 古谱 书

Why Universality?

He suggested that there are three species-wide cognitive Interests: (1) interests in control of the physical world. (2) understanding in […]

Technologies of the Self

13 versions of Technologies of the Self: 1, ways in which people put forward, and police, their “selves” in society; […]


穿过 千年的 红松林 和着 献给你们的 歌声

Includes and goes beyond

From Raymond Williams (1977: 108) : For “hegemony” is a concept which at once includes and goes beyond two powerful […]

The power of rules

Rules are, first of all, constitutive expressions. They (often implicitly) tell us what exists, in what measure, and in what […]

Of course, he takes a critical stance.

From SignandSight: (Thanks Howard!) “Use of the Internet has both broadened and fragmented the contexts of communication. This is why […]


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