Summer class
New technologies have profoundly transformed contemporary social movements, favoring the emergence of flexible, decentralized organizational forms, innovative networking practices, and […]
New technologies have profoundly transformed contemporary social movements, favoring the emergence of flexible, decentralized organizational forms, innovative networking practices, and […]
Francis spotted this: “Each political scholar has his own definition of power. I would say power comes from established standards. […]
Media capture devices become programmable and networked meta creation and use become integrated throughout media production and reuse media consumer […]
Nancy is giving a talk on this topic, from Action Theory to a real case study. How do we do […]
Lunch with Arthur on Duran. He introduced you to his prosessor Marti Hearst. She wrote about text mining and taught […]
Izumi will be here again.
难得阴天,早上的Roma几乎称得上“拥挤”。 戴绿色礼帽的老人,用放大镜在看报纸; 跑步进来的高个子中年女子,体恤衫上写满了“我尝过”的长长清单,上面还有几个红字:“自愿的”; 蓬须长发的盲者,桌上一杯见底的热巧克力,和两叠白纸,左边的一叠已经针眼密布。
回报Ross的邀请,链接他对上周会议的描述。里面对Peter Kollock的工作有特别的介绍,不过没有提这位素食先生的满面紫气,是刚刚禅坐两月的结果。
“Journalism, if it is to deserve the name, is not about the quality of the camera, but about the journalist’s […]