虚拟身份-Virtual Identities

身份(identity)这个概念,一个重要的源起是传播理论中的“象征互动观” (symbolic interactionism Perspective),由Erving Goffman等发展而来. 这个学派的一些基本假设包括:转播经由创造共享的明显的象征符号而发生;自我是经过传播而建构;社会活动通过角色扮演的过程才成为可能。或者说:我们是他人的产物。 在公共的虚拟空间,身份是怎样被建构的呢?  网络给了那些边缘化的群体以声音,对于残疾人,新移民或者极权统治下的独立知识分子,网上社区的建立就格外地重要。而这些声音和虚拟社区的总和可以帮助这些边缘化的人们在现有的权力社会结构下重新谈判与建构身份。 在这重新(通过虚拟空间)建构身份的过程中,原有的身份也被转换了。重要问题是:这样的身份转换,究竟是增强了,还是消弱了这些群体的社会责任呢?

Social software reading list

Liz’s recommendation: mamamusings: social software reading list: * Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software, by Steven […]

Fractal Democracy

This is from the worldchanging blog: “People must vote everyday over issues and solutions, instead of every five years for […]

RSS Feeds for Protest

“Artists and activists from The Screensavers group are organising a multimedia protest between users in New York and Europe during […]

On bridge builders

Ethan Zuckerman‘s “Making room for the third world in the second superpower” provided another angle for the digital democracy theme […]

Organizational Metaphors

Metaphors shape the ways in which we conceptualize and understand the organizations we investigate. They shape the research questions we […]

Two Interviews

Via M2M, Ross blogged the Business Week interview with Howard, said he was “trying to weave some threads out of […]

Meeting Jack

You walked to Jack, who was sitting at the side chair during the reception. A drink in hand, he might […]