Theories about theories
Still Mitchel Resnick: “….move away from the notion of a single, absolute, unifying conception of knowledge, arguing instead that knowledge […]
Still Mitchel Resnick: “….move away from the notion of a single, absolute, unifying conception of knowledge, arguing instead that knowledge […]
From Resnick: “Relationships with people in the world are internalized as agents or objects within the mind. ……the self emerges […]
This is the image gallery of Self-Organized networks. And this is from Physics Department, University of Notre Dame.
From another Norweigian blogger Joe Hoem you have found this old article in 1995 Wired and this relatively new book […]
在东五十七街的星巴克,为什么记起十年前雪中的修道院? 因为那句话吗? “那谦卑的有福了。”
Electronic Literature Organization has been there for a while. You just heard this project from tonight’s dinner. ……a new, reader-influenced […]
《复杂》节选 :“他记得这项研究始于1952年春季,当时他正在听麻省理工学院心理学家利克莱德(J.C.R.Licklider)的演讲。利克莱德前来访问普夫吉普斯实验室,同意就当时该领域最热门的话题,蒙特利尔麦克吉尔大学的神经生理学家唐纳德·希伯(Donald O.Hebb)关于学习和记忆的新理论,做这个演讲。”
“The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of […]
Mark Bernstein had some tips for web writers (I am not sure about this ww word, but “blogger” is no […]