She fascinates with herself and the revolution, while turning life’s pain into her paintings.
She fascinates with herself and the revolution, while turning life’s pain into her paintings.
Imagine, there is a perfect snowfield.
“如此数月,他便在荒谷中与神雕为伴。这日闲着无事,漫步来到独孤求败埋剑的山崖 之前。纵跃上崖,看到朽烂木剑下的石刻:”四十岁后,不滞于物,草木竹石,均可 为剑。自此精修,渐而进于无剑胜有剑之境。”心想:”我持玄铁重剑,几可无敌于天 下,但瞧独孤前辈遗言,显是木剑可胜玄铁重剑,而最后无剑却又胜于木剑。龙儿既 说须十六年后方得相见,这漫漫十余年中,我就来钻研这木剑胜铁剑、无剑胜有剑之 法便了。”
The Institute for the Future has a weblog called Future Now. A brief visit found this link: Whale Culture? “Scientists […]
Theory does not express, translate or serve to apply practice: it is practice. But it is local and regional…not totalizing…it […]
Yesterday. moss on the rocks, sounds of flowing water, light in the trees, mountains and ocean afar, and the rock […]
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You joined the Tribe through Arthur. Another experiment.
读索绪尔,理解二项对立:共时与历时,语言与言语,连锁与选择(也称组合与聚合),(符号)能指与所指,加上价值与关系。 对任何符号体系,确定基元,分析其对立、联系和转换,是建立文化的模式和其系统的结构主义方式。 比如建筑学中,门,内室,走道,后墙等构成连锁关系,不同式样的门,走道构成选择关系。音乐亦是如此,还记得友友试图探索表现的巴赫和Piranesi的联系吗?
Listening to Ouverture-Allegro from Bach’s Partita No. 4 in D Major. Reflecting upon today’s conversation. It’s getting dark outside.