
From Post-realism & Emerging Identities: Anyone interested in issues of identity and discourse owes it to themselves to visit HOTSOUP!


“一切都结束了,终于我把脚踩在了如来佛祖的身上。看着佛殿下七倒八歪的十八罗汉和神志不清的观音菩萨我知道我胜了,曾经将我压在五指山的如来佛祖现在趴在我脚下。 出佛殿我走向天庭,各路神仙让开道路,他们手中的兵器随着身体不停的颤抖,两眼中我看到了恐怖。踏入天庭,一片混乱。玉帝老儿哆哆嗦嗦的蹲在成千上万的天兵天将身后,他抱着头,背着身,胡言乱语。四周一片死寂,只有我的脚步声才能证明这一切都是真的,我进,众神退,我进,众神退。”

Center for Collective Intelligence

Here is the new center: While people have talked about collective intelligence for decades, new communication technologies—especially the Internet—now allow […]

Large scale collective action

Marc came to the class today, talked about AURA: “The biggest success stories on the web are all the product […]


台北买来的旧书: “住在深海底下的巨大章鱼,拥有强壮的生命力,张舞着许多长脚,往黑暗的海中某个地方前进。……那家伙可以采取各种形式。有时候采取所谓国家的形式,有时候采取所谓法律的形式。也可以采取更复杂,更麻烦的形式。你怎样切,怎样斩,他都会重新再张出脚来。谁也没有办法杀死那家伙。因为实在太强悍了,实在住在太深的地方了。你连他的心脏到底在那里都不知道。“

$1.6 billion worth communities

This is news: “YouTube figured out what Google and Yahoo and Microsoft and all the others in the marketplace didn’t,” […]

Google Freedom?

From Google Blogoscoped Forum: Maybe NOW they will have time to work on Google Freedom? That of course would be […]