Initial Situation Members of family introduced, Hero introduced
1, Absentation One of the members of the family absents itself
2, Interdiction Interdiction addressed to hero. (Can be reversed.)
3, Violation Interdiction is violated.
4, Reconnaissance The villain makes attempt to get information
5, Delivery The villain gets information about the victem
6, Trickery The villain tries to deceive his victim
7, Complicity Victim is deceived
8, Villainy Villain causes harm to a member of a family
8a, Lack Members of family lacks something, desires something.
9, Mediation Misfortune made known. Hero dispatched.
10. Counteraction Hero (Seeker) agrees to counteraction.
11. Departure Hero leaves home.
12, 1st Donor Function Hero tested, receives magical agent or helper
13, Hero’s Reaction Hero reacts to agent or donor
14 Receipt of agent Hero acquires use of magical agent.
15. Spatial change Hero led to object of search
16. Struggle Hero and villain join in direct combat.
17. Branding Hero is branded.
18. Victory Villain is defeated.
19, Liquidation Initial misfortune or lack is liquidated.
20, Return Hero returns.
21, Pursuit, Chase Hero is pursued
22, Rescue Hero rescued from pursued.
23. Unrecognized arrival Hero, unrecognized, arrives home or elsewhere.
24, Unfounded claims, False hero presents unfounded claims
25 Difficult task Difficult task is proposed to hero
26 Solution The task is resolved
27 Recognition The hero is recognized
28 Exposure The false hero and villain is exposed
29 Transfiguration The hero is given a new appearance.
30 Punishment The villain is punished.
31 Wedding The hero is married, ascends the throne.