How Much Is Your Blog Worth?

“What makes one blog more valuable than another?” This is the question on this blogpost. The author had some thoughtful points to say.

“Author Dependency – There are many issues associated with the author, but this is probably the most important. If a site is only popular as a result of the skills or charms of the author(s) then a solution that attempts to go on without those celebrities could be fatal.

Traffic – Surely, prospective buyers will want to know what kind of traffic the blog is generating. Obviously, a little more traffic has never hurt anyone.

Link Network/Search Discoverability – Blogs with many well-defined links to the blogging community and high visibility in key search contexts may appear more attractive to potential buyers.

Industry Reach – Since most businesses that might consider buying a blog are targeting the audience, knowing how much of that industry can be reached is critical to making a profitable decision.

Audience Size – Exactly how many real visitors are there to a site currently. Size does not necessarily matter.

Audience Demographics – Exactly how coherent are the demographics of your audience, in some cases coherence is good, in others it may not be

Existing Revenues – A blog already generating significant revenue could be more enticing than one with none.”